Mrs Madeleine Anita Mockler

Charity details

Alzheimer's Society

Alzheimers society are the UK's leading dementia support and research charity for people living with dementia, their families and carers.

Registered Number 296645

Wooden Spoon Society

Wooden Spoon is the children’s charity of rugby. It funds life-changing projects that support children and young people with disabilities or living in disadvantage. Since 1983, the charity has funded more than 1,300 projects across the UK and Ireland, totalling over £29 million.

Registered Number 326691

Messages of condolence

In memory of Maddie Mockler, a lady who created much fun and laughter amongst her friends and was ever mindful of those less fortunate through her charitable activities with the F K Club and the Wooden Spoon Society. Remembered with much fondness by Marie Tross, Janet Jackson and Cathy Chapman - The F K Ladies.

Mrs Catherine Chapman